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Symposium FHU VasCog
22 November 2018- 13 h 30 min / 18 h 00 min

The Hospital-University federation FHU VASCOG will hold it third annual conference on the 22nd of november 2018 from 1PM at the Antre-2 Theater (crossing of Georges Lefevre street and Paul Duez street, Lille)
Two Invited speakers will present their work on brain ageing and neurosciences: Pr Gabriel Gold, head of the geriatry service of the Hôpital des Trois-Chêne (near Genova, Switzerland) and Pr Denis Forest, professor of Philosophy at the Paris 1 University.
The projects selected during the third FHU call for projets, will present their preliminary results and the researchers selected in 2018 during the 4th Call for projets will present their projects funded next year.
A general audience conference presented by Pr Ann Vambergue and Dr Stéphanie Bombois on “Diabetes and memory” will conclude the symposium at 6pm .