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April 2018

HOPE MEETING: pHysiopathology Of Parkinson disEase

23 April 2018- 8 h 00 min / 24 April 2018- 17 h 00 min

The first edition of  «PHysiopathology Of Parkinson’s disEase» (HOPE) congress  will be held on the 23rd and 24th of April 2018. This congress is dedicated to researches on genetic and environmental factors of PD, it mechanisms and their modelling in order to better understand the PD physiopathology and open new fields of preclinical, clinical, imaging and biomarkers development. https://hope2018.sciencesconf.org/ Organizing committe of the HOPE congress – Lille 2018 Marie Christine Chartier-Harlin Olga Corti Charlotte Caillot Cristine Alves da Costa Emmanuel…

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26 April 2018- 8 h 00 min / 27 April 2018- 17 h 00 min
Centre LILIAD- Campus scientifique de l’Université de Lille

The second EUROTAU meeting will gather all the international experts of the Tau protein in Lille on the 26th abnd 27th of April 2018. This meeting will be an exceptional opportunity to present and discuss the latest discoveries about this protein and it complex involvement in neurodegenerative diseases. For more information: http://lucbuee.fr/crbst_10.html

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June 2018

Réunion Francophone sur la Maladie d’Alzheimer et Syndromes Apparentés

11 June 2018- 8 h 00 min / 14 June 2018- 17 h 00 min
Faculté de Médecine de Lille -Pôle formation Loos, France + Google Map

The LiCEND, Lille Center of Excellence on Neurodegenerative Diseases, and it partners  have the pleasure to announce the french conference on Alzheimer disease and associated diseases "Réunion Francophone sur la Maladie d'Alzheimer et Syndromes Apparentés" (RFMASA)  which will be held from the 11th to 14th of June 2018 at the Faculty of Medicine of Lille. A complementary training on Frontal temporal dementia will also be proposed : see Here The RFMASA 2018 program will focus on: The crucial role of…

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September 2018

International Conference on Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

6 September 2018- 8 h 00 min / 8 September 2018- 12 h 00 min
Faculté de Médecine de Lille – Pôle Recherche, place de verdun - Rue Polonovski
Lille, 59045 France
+ Google Map

The 2018 Lille conference will bring together international leaders in laboratory- and patient-based research and clinical care in the rapidly growing and increasingly recognized field of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, one of the two major sporadic small vessel brain diseases. The conference will be held at the School of Medicine – ‘Pôle Recherche’ in Lille, France. Link toward the conference website

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October 2018

Village des Sciences 2018

11 October 2018- 12 h 00 min / 14 October 2018- 19 h 00 min
Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille Lille, 59000 France + Google Map

The LiCend will participate to the 2018 edition of the  Village des Sciences which will take place in the Gare Saint Sauveur in Lille from the 11th to the 14th of October 2018. The topic of the year 2018 is the "Error". The Licend will propose activities on the neurodegenerative disease and how the brain can be tricked and make errors. Provisional Program (in French) This free event is toward middle and high school students (11th and 12th) and the…

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First Congress of the French COEN

18 October 2018- 8 h 00 min / 19 October 2018- 17 h 00 min

The 7 French Coen will gather at Montpellier on the 18th and 19th of October 2018. This will be the opportunity to present their latest scientific rsults and to discuss future collaborations. For more information: https://www.coen-montpellier.fr/congres-2018/

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November 2018

Symposium FHU VasCog

22 November 2018- 13 h 30 min / 18 h 00 min
Antre 2, 42 rue Pal Duez
Lille, 59000 France
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The Hospital-University federation FHU VASCOG will hold  it third annual conference on the 22nd of november 2018 from 1PM at the Antre-2 Theater (crossing of  Georges Lefevre street and Paul Duez street, Lille) Two Invited speakers will present their work on brain ageing and neurosciences: Pr Gabriel Gold, head of the geriatry service of the Hôpital des Trois-Chêne (near Genova, Switzerland) and Pr Denis Forest, professor of Philosophy at the Paris 1 University. The projects selected during the third FHU…

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General audience conference on “Diabetes and Memory”

22 November 2018- 18 h 00 min / 19 h 00 min
Antre 2, 42 rue Pal Duez
Lille, 59000 France
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A conference will be held on the 22nd of November 2018 at the ANTRE-2 (Lille) on the Topic "Diabetes and Memory. This talk will be made by Pr Anne Vamberge, diabetologist and Dr Stéphanie Bombois, Neurologist, both working in close collaboration at the Lille University Hospital. This conference will conclude the FHU VasCog Annuel symposium (from 1pm to 6pm): link    

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July 2019

LiCEND Summer school 2019 : Experimental Models for Neurodegenerative Disease: From Cells to Model Organisms

2 July 2019 / 5 July 2019
Faculté de Médecine de Lille -Pôle formation Loos, France + Google Map

LiCEND Summer school 2019 : Experimental Models for Neurodegenerative Disease: From Cells to Model Organisms. The LiCEND is proposing for master and Phd students as well as research professionnals, a four days training course on experimental models used in research on neurodegenerative diseases. More information on: http://licend.fr/en/licend-summer-school-2019-2

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