Federative research structures and Future Investment Plan structures

Federative research structures and Future Investment Plan structures

LaBex DISTALZ: Laboratory of Excellence “Development of Innovative Strategies for a Transdisciplinary approach of ALZheimer” (PIA) – LINK
Head: Pr Philippe Amouyel

The DISTALZ Labex regroups 7 most active French research units on Azlheimer disease, combining their multidisciplinary skills, from basic to social concepts. The Labex  integrates their various basic approaches, from agnostic genomics to highly sophisticated biological models, and combines clinical approaches with social and ethical concerns

EquipEx IrDIVE: Equipment of Excellence “Innovation- Research in Digital and Interactive Visual Environments” (PIA) – LINK
Head: Pr Yann Coello

IrDIVE : “Innovation Research in the Digital and Interactive Visual Environments” is a technology platform in Human and Social Sciences, selected during the  2011 “Equipment of Excellence” Call for projects of the “Future Investment Program” of the Research and Higher Education Ministery .

EquipEx ImagInEx BioMed: Equipment of Excellence “Imaging Innovative Excellence BioMedical” (PIA) – LINK
Head: Dr Frank Lafont

Since 2010, the  BioImaging Center Lille (BICeL) has allowed a better support of research in the “Hauts de France” region by federating all the cell and tissue imaging plateforms of the Lille Europe Metropolis (University-Hospital, Science and Technology and Pasteur Institute Campuses). The Ambition of ImagInEx BiomEd is to establish a reference platform for a analysis pipeline from high-troughput and high-content microscopy screening to high-resolution analyses by two-photon excitation, electronic and atomic force microscopy.

SFR DN2M: “Dementia in Neurological & Mental Disease” LINK
Head: Dr Luc Buée
Federative structure focusing on cognitive and comportement disorders  in neurodegenerative and mental diseases

Projet Fédératif Hospitalo-Universitaire VasCog (FHU VasCog)LIEN
Responsable: Pr Didier Leys
Federative research projet focused on cognitive disorders related to neuro-vascular risk factors (stroke-related or metabolism related).

Projet Fédératif Hospitalo-Universitaire IMMINENT (FHU IMMINENT) LIEN
Responsable: Pr Eric Hachulla
Federative research projet focused on care, research and training in the field of inflammatory and immunopathologic diseases and their targeted therapies .


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