Other diseases related to Alzheimer disease

Other diseases related to Alzheimer disease

Normal pressure Hydrocephalus appears around 60 years. This disease is characterized by three clinical signs at various degrees (Hakim and Adam’s syndrom): Gait disorder (small step walking, fall), cognitive disorders and dysfunction in sphincters (notably urinary sphincters). Brain images show expansion of the brain ventricle (cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) deep into the brain). The origin of Hydrocephalus is not understood. Treatment consists on lumbar punctures to remove CSF. A neurosurgery treatment is also possible (Ventriculo-Peritoneal or Ventriculoatrial shunt)


In Young patients, other rare causes of dementia are possible: infectious diseases (HIV, Syphilis), inflammatory diseases, dysimmunitary neuropathic affections, metabolic or toxic diseases. Some of those diseases have curative treatments. Their diagnosis is possible following a thorough medical examination and specific complementary analyses in specialized centers.

spécifiques qui peuvent être réalisés dans un centre spécialisé.

It is a rare disease : 1 patient over 1 million inhabitant per year, ususally over 60years-old. It is a dementia with rapid progression (from few weeks to few months) associated with neurologic disorders (gait and equilibrium disorders, abnormal movements, visual symptoms…) and is caused by accumulation of Prion proteins within the brain tissues. This disease is sporadic in 85% of cases or related to exposure to pathologic Prion proteins in 5% of cases. There is also 10% of genetic form of the Creutzfeld Jackob disease (mutation of the gene coding the Prion protein). The confirmation diagnosis is made by neuropathologic examination after death. There is currently no cure



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