The LiCEND at the “Village des Sciences” – 11th to 14h of October 2018 – Gare St Sauveur – Lille
The LiCend will participate to the 2018 edition of the Village des Sciences which will take place in the Gare Saint Sauveur in Lille from the 11th to the 14th of October 2018. The topic of the year 2018 is the “Error”. The Licend will propose activities about the brain functions, optical tricks, neurodegenerative diseases and how to detect brain errors with EEG and MRI.
Provisional Program (in French)
This free event is toward middle and high school students (11th and 12th) and the general audience (13th and 14th).
We look forward to meet you during this event and will be most pleased to present in english!